From January 2021, producers and suppliers of articles containing SVHC are obliged to submit information on these articles to a European database. The legal basis for this database is Article 9 of the EU Waste Framework Directive. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has been obliged to set up a database on substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in articles.

On 16 September 2020, in its vote on the implementation of the EU Waste Framework Directive, the German Bundestag initially limited the obligation for companies to report to the SCIP database to Article 9 of the Waste Framework Directive. On 9 October 2020, the German Bundesrat approved the described amendments. The corresponding national implementation of the database now takes place in the Chemicals Act.
Specifically, it was decided that a new §16 f should be added to the Chemicals Act (ChemG). According to this, manufacturers and importers of articles containing SVHC will then be obliged to make the information available to ECHA in accordance with Art. 33(1) of the REACH Regulation. On 23.10.2020, the corresponding §16f was inserted into the ChemG.

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