Our customers are individually supported and consulted by us on the basis of their specific problems and the unique questions they have regarding management systems and not ever referencing the content of “sample manuals” or theoretical procedures, because in addition to our clients’ requests, there can often be many topics of various intensity and depth raised by the customer.
We always take the customer’s point of view and only compare it with the normative, actionable and legal requirements in the background, without burdening the customer unnecessarily with theory.
Since our consultants are to a large extent certifiers and environmental experts themselves, we know the relevant acceptance criteria and know first-hand about innovations and bring this to the consultation.
Usually the support includes a basic package in which innovations are reported, internal audits are carried out and management review is supported. However, it can sometimes be useful for the client, for the Intechnica consultant to be present at the external audit so that we can ensure that there are no excessive demands made by the certifier.
Billing is transparent and based on the services actually provided. Many of our clients have appreciated this type of support for more than 20 years without interruption. Due to this long time together it is also possible to deal with deeper questions right through the management systems and to replace the often criticised “powerpoint level” with succinct advice and wisdom.